Game score: 84%
Platform: Steam, PC
Steam link:
This game is a perfect example of why we love Steam as the gaming platform. 10 years ago a game such as Gunpoint would never find a publisher because it's not fancy enough (in terms of stunning graphics and/or world class production). Steam, as digital distribution platform, offers so much for indie developers and we should all be really thankful for it.
Now, to the point. Gunpoint was made by Tom Francis, an ex-editor of the PC Gamer magazine. I remember when the game was released in 2013, PC Gamer refused to review it because they knew they wouldn't be objective enough about their ex co-worker's game (and the loved it!). Anyway, to create his little game, Francis used Game Maker, a software suite responsible for many other real masterpieces such as Spelunky, Hotline Miami and Risk of Rain. He said that he realized he was overly critical of the games he was reviewing for PC Gamer and wanted to see if he could do better (it's like "I am such an ass! I should put my self in their shoes and see how hard it really is to make a game!"). And for the most part - he did.
Gunpoint is a stealth-action-platform game. It puts you in the role of Richard Conway, a private detective who got himself in trouble by trying out his brand new Bullfrog Hypertrousers at the wrong time. These trousers give him the power of jumping at really long distance and height and they prevent him from dying from falling. Right, so... He was at the wrong place in the wrong time and could be charged with murder so he accepts a task from a new employer to delete the camera footage from the crime scene and only gets himself involved in a big conspiracy.
The game is divided into many small missions (once you get a hold of them, each mission can be completed in less than 3 minutes) and Conway's goal is always the same: infiltrate and collect/hack. To do so, Conway can use a range of gadgets that allow him to control doors and devices of the infiltrated building. For example, you can rewire the security camera to open the door instead of sounding the alarm or connect the light switch to open the door and stun a guard that was standing next to it. Of course, to make it difficult, switches, doors, cameras etc are made of various colors and only the matching colors can be connected. Each mission can be completed slowly (in stealth), on average speed (make those guards sleep!) or recklessly (and that may trigger the police alarm with a time limit to complete the mission... which usually means you are dead by sniper fire as soon as you show yourself near the window). Your choice. The missions are graded at the end, but it really has no real meaning except for your own personal satisfaction.
The achievements are real easy to get. There's 42 of them and I got them all in 2 playthroughs (some are mutually exclusive). Speaking of that, the game is rather short and once you get the hang of it, you will advance really fast. The first playthrough took me 3 hours, the second no more than 1 hour total. Fortunately, the game supports Steam Workshop and if you want more of this game you can simply download more missions. Some are really tricky and enjoyable, but even then they lack the feeling of the "real game story". You know, it's never the same to play the original game and custom made scenarios for it.
Overall, Gunpoint is a wonderful game and I guarantee you will enjoy it. But it's a short-lived entertainment and we can only hope to see more of Tom Francis' talent in the future. Ok man, you proved your point, now make more fun games and let us see what you can do!
Since Black Sails was a subject of my very first review on this blog, it's only fair to talk about it again since season 2 just started. And what an episode it was! When the credits started rolling I was thinking "What? What did they do, did they shorten the episodes down to 20 minutes?" so I checked... 52 minutes. 52 minutes and it really seemed more like 20, 25 max.
I am really glad to say that it started great, with a short reminder of the last season's final battle with the Spanish Frigate and the end of Captain Flint's dream of plundering the Treasure Fleet. Of course, nothing is ever what it seems to be, so we are finally witnessing the first joined actions of Flint and Silver as they... well, I won't tell you, in case you haven't seen the episode yet. Also, things back at the Port of Nassau are heating up with Charles Vane and Eleanor Guthrie "working" together. No, it's not what you think! They really are more probable to kill each other rather than cooperate. And there's a new and ruthless captain in town, known by the name of Ned Low. And he's got a mysterious and precious cargo in his hold.
I expressed my skepticism on Black Sails in general during the most of the first season, but the finale was good and the intro to season 2 was great! I am glad they worked it out, unlike Crossbones who was even more promising... yet it was cancelled after only one season. Good job Black Sails, keep it up!
If you don't want to read it all:
Score: 7/10
Verdict: It's an action parody and knows it. If you like the first two, you will like this one as well. Otherwise, stay away
I loved the first two Expendables. They were made with the clear intent of making a joke of an action movie with exaggerated action sequences and destruction. With no "good guys" getting injured at all. A 6 max squad would go into a heavily fortified enemy base, kill two hundred armed-to-teeth mercenaries and soldiers, destroy a few tanks and machine gun nests and come out unharmed. And they own an airplane too! The Expendables 3 is no different, although it lacks Chuck Norris this time. No Chuck Norris!
The story of the movie is absolutely unimportant. They could be rescuing an endangered elephant from an Indian mobster, tracking down the arms dealer or hunting a traitor agent. It doesn't matter at all. The Expendables is all about seeing the familiar actors from (mostly) action movies all grouped together in a bloody action show for the masses. This time, the new faces are Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Antonio Banderas and Wesley Snipes. No Chuck Norris. No Chuck, but a few less famous, mostly MMA fighters/actors who are supposed to bring in some fresh blood, technology and, well, younger audience I guess. The action is so absurd that even the main bad guy says at some point: "How hard can it be to kill ten men? Do you think maybe you could just wound a couple?" Love it!
To fully enjoy this movie, you will need to put your brain to sleep, completely forget about reality (or realism, whichever), sit back, relax and have fun. I know I did! Even without Chuck Norris.
If you don't want to read it all:
Score: 9/10
Verdict: If I tell you anything at all I will spoil the pleasure of watching this great movie!
Seriously, almost anything I may say about Gone Girl will be a spoiler so... this will be REALLY short because I want to keep it spoiler-free.
Gone Girl is a... mystery drama. A man comes home and finds out his wife is missing. There are signs of struggle so he suspects kidnapping and calls the police. And that's where the mystery begins.
What I REALLY like about Gone Girl is the lack of classic cliches present in just about every movie out there. Again, I can't tell you much because it will spoil everything :)
Ben Affleck is seriously awesome in this one, it's definitely one of his best roles ever (right on time, Batman!). He is quite convincing in his role of a lost husband, trying to balance his true feelings with what the public expects of him. Oh, and dealing with a teenage mistress. And his missing wife's parents. And the whole America who happens to be following the case because the missing woman is a celebrity. Two thumbs up for Affleck!
That's all I can write and keep it, yes, spoiler-free. Spoiler free!